What Should You Do With Garden Waste?
In some parts of the UK, the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in councils suspending their garden waste collection services. If you’ve been affected by this decision and have been using your time in lockdown to tackle tasks in your garden, what should you do with the waste you have?
An article for the Worthing Herald recently offered some advice. It noted that if your council’s garden waste collection service has been suspended, you should make sure you don’t put any more waste in your bin, as this could mean the plant matter starts to compost in the bin and that it will become too heavy.
One option is to start your own compost heap if you have space in your garden. Or you could invest in a compost bin. If that’s not an option open to you, storing your garden waste in a corner of your garden is a better choice than putting it in your bin.
If you’re tempted to have a bonfire to get rid of the waste, be aware that you could run into trouble for doing so, as the government states you’re not allowed to burn waste if it could harm people’s health or cause pollution.
But if your garden isn’t big enough to store your waste, you could organise garden waste removal in London through a professional rubbish clearance firm.
Earlier in April, the Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons in the UK warned people to avoid tackling challenging DIY or gardening tasks during lockdown, because they were concerned there could be a spike in injuries related to these kinds of activities.